22 December 2009

From a recent Adoption Conference

Families By Divine Design was the theme of the 2009 FSA Regional Adoption Conference for Oregon, Washington, Alaska, California, Idaho, and Hawaii held in Portland, Oregon this past November. It was definitely divinely inspired. In fact, Rebecca Harrison, one of our Regional Co-Chairs, said how amazing it was to be involved with this conference and how she truly felt the Lord's hand in the planning of it. More than once she marveled at how smoothly things would fall into place after initially not knowing how to make it all come together. She felt strongly that there were people in attendance at the conference whose hearts needed to be touched by the information shared there.

We had over 170 attendees from Idaho, Washington, California, Oregon, Arizona and Utah. Amazing! We were blessed to be able to hear from so many amazing presentors and to hear such inspiring stories from adoptive professionals, adoptive parents, adoptees and birth parents.

Here is just a sampling of the feedback we recieved from attendees:

Adoptive Applicant- "I liked having Elder Brinkerhoff speak about how adoption relates to the gospel. I also liked the theme of Divine Design of Adoption."

Adoptive applicant- "Loved Lindsey Redfern, Growing Up Adopted panel, hearing from the Family for Every Child rep, birthparent panel, DHS, Hearing about people's experiences, experts with varied experiences & different perspectives."

Friday night Adoption Triad speakers with our Regonal Co-Chairs

Adoptee- "I liked the triad speakers a lot! EXCELLENT! WONDERFUL SPEAKERS!

Adoptive Parent- "Well organized & variety of classes. Exceeded expectations."

Adoptive Applicant- "Very beneficial. Multiple concerns of mine were addressed; most of which I came to the conference praying to know what to do."

Presentors from Adopting through the State.

Adoptive Applicant- What they liked most about conference- "Interacting with other people in our similar situation, presentations given from different perspectives, valuable information"

Birth Parent- What they liked most about the conference- "How open everyone is. I felt very welcomed and got to talk with alot of educated women and men about adopting and about parenting."

Adoptive Applicant- "It exceeded our expectations. We loved it. Classes and panels were excellent. Speakers presentations were great and gave very valuable information. The talks on the triad were amazing."

Lyn Welchel from Lane County Heart Gallery shares inforation and her story.

Class Presentor/Adoptive parent- "I loved the idea of having a birth mother and new adoptive couple applicant come to the pre-conference training. It was truly inspired! I loved the fsa store. I loved the whole set up of the fireside on friday night (it was like a date night--dinner and fireside, great idea!). I loved Monica Blume's class. I loved the mingle part of it and I adored the lady that did the Heart Gallery. Loved that she was lds, loved that she has foster children, loved that she was able to share so much. brilliant."

Adoptive Applicant- What they liked most about this year's conference- "Better understanding the perspectives of the birth parents, adoptive parents & adoptees."

The Growing Up Adopted Panel.

Adoptive Applicant- "We have been investigating and going through the adoption process for almost 2 years. We learned alot of new things this conference."
What they liked most- "Everything was fantastic! I have to say the panels of the birth mothers /father was very helpful to get a first hand response and comments from them. Also the adopted children was just as first hand and fascinating."

Investigating Adoption- "It was beneficial to share real life experiences and get a true and accurate picture of how the process affects all parties."

Adoptive Applicant- "The conference was very enjoyable and informative! The breakout sessions were very helpful in presenting info I wasn't aware of. The general sessions were very spiritual and uplifting!"

13 December 2009

Congratulations to the Allreds

The Allreds have been blessed with a little baby boy. A big CONGRATS to them and their family. Check the little angel out HERE. We would love to hear his story from the Allred family.